How to properly prepare for the prerequisite tests (TEP) necessary to obtain the BPJEPS AF ?
Prerequisite testing is stressful among many future candidates for the BPJEPS Fitness Activities, their goals being to prove that you are physically ready.
Without success in these tests, it is impossible to carry out his BPJEPS Activities of the form and therefore to become a sports educator.
This is why it is essential to prepare for it in advance so as not to risk failing on D-Day.
In this article, we detail all the tests you will have to pass during the TEPs, and we give you the expected performance figures to pass them . You will know everything!
To register for the preliminary requirements tests, it is essential to present certain documents , so you will need:
1- Have a medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of " fitness activities » less than 3 months old
2- Hold at least one of the following certificates:
[AFPS] First aid training certificate
[PSC1] Level 1 civic prevention and relief
[PSE1] Level 1 Team First Aid - valid
[PSE2] Level 2 Team First Aid - valid
[AFGSU] Certificate of training in emergency gestures and care - currently valid
[SST] Occupational First Aid Rescuer Certificate - valid
Now that you have everything, time for the tests!
When registering for the BPJEPS AF, you must choose one of two options : group lessons or weightlifting and bodybuilding.
Choosing one of these two options will impact your TEPs in this way:
If you have chosen a group lesson, you will have a light Luc test followed by a simulation test in a group lesson.
If you have chosen weightlifting and bodybuilding, you will have a Luc Léger test followed by a weightlifting and bodybuilding test (we will explain everything to you later).
In summary, only one test will be specific to the chosen option , Luc Leger's test will be the same for all. Please note this test is eliminatory !
The test is simple, when all the candidates are aligned on the starting line (see video), the juries will then launch a soundtrack which will explain the rules of this test, they are simple:
When the soundtrack indicates a " BEEP "all candidates will then have to run to a line 20 meters away from the starting line, then wait for the sound again" BEEP » you then go back to the starting line and so on.
As the frequency of the " BEEP will accelerate, increasing the intensity of the candidates' race, the aim being to hold out as long as possible.
The candidate is eliminated if he does not reach the line before the " BEEP corresponding .
20 mètres
This test is only present for the weightlifting and bodybuilding option , it will be the last of the TEPs.
It will aim to test your ability to perform a movement well, while having a certain force on it.
FEMMES : 1 répétition en pronation ou supination selon vos préférences (menton > barre).
HOMMES : 6 répétitions en pronation ou supination selon vos préférences (menton > barre).
FEMMES : Effectuer 5 répétitions en cassant la parallèle avec une charge correspondant à 75% de votre poids de corps.
HOMMES : Effectuer 6 répétitions en cassant la parallèle avec une charge correspondant à 110% de votre poids de corps.
FEMMES : 4 répétitions avec une charge correspondant à 40% de votre poids de corps.
HOMMES : 6 répétitions avec une charge correspondant à 80% de votre poids de corps.
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